Saturday, April 14, 2007

Expanding our limits.

I came across a quote in Men's Health magazine I wanted to share. Thanks to my big mouth, I'm not resting at home like I intended. We are now 140 miles or so away. We were on the bike and I said we could be in Bend by suppertime. Katie called my bluff. After a trip to a store for a couple of necessities, I'm sitting at a desk in a hotel lobby and paying for the privilege so this will be short. The full story will come later!

Here's the quote:

"Growth demands a temporary surrender of security." Gail Sheehy

I've written about having to get out of our comfort level in order to gain new skills. Exploring new territory can be somewhat disconcerting. Fact is, there's no other way to do it. Once having gained new skills we find it was worth fighting the fear.

Big leaps of faith aren't usually required. It's just a matter of stepping a little bit farther than we're used to. Then doing it again. There's an Oriental proverb which says,

"The longest journey begins with a single step."

Expand that thought and we find that the entire journey is composed of single steps. One builds upon the other. Pleasant journeys!

Miles and smiles,



  1. The Sheehy quote sums up the challenge and the problem. I want to grow but at the same time I can loath the idea of venturing out of a secure place. Doesn't matter if it is at work, riding, or just making decisions about diet or exercise.

    The resistance to expanding limits can be powerful. There is a biological term - homeostasis - which refers to the way the body manages things to keep is in a stable place. George Leonard writes in his book MASTERY that it can account for the resistance we have to change. It doesn't matter if it is good change or bad change our bodies just resist it. And that place we try to stay just might be security.

    I think you would like the book Dan. It echoes a lot of themes that seem to be important to you. Might be worth a look. Might even be in the local library. Check out this link to the 5 Keys of Mastery that Leonard talks about.

    Good luck on your ride home!

    Steve Williams
    Scooter in the Sticks

  2. Wifey has done something like that lately, venturing into Tallahassee on the scooter by herself. She did quite well, and learned some things in the process.

  3. Dan, the quote by Gail Sheehy came at the perfect time in how it relates to the stress at work in uprooting our business from it's current location, and moving to a new, larger facility.

    The worries of deadlines, cost over-runs, and overhead, not to mention all of the uncertaintees of change, make this quote perfect for the moment. Thank you.

    Have fun,

  4. Steve,
    Thanks for the reference. I'm always amazed at how well-read you are. Then again, for a college administrator, maybe it's not extraordinary at all. I'm still looking for "Letters to a Young Poet". Our library isn't real in-depth on books.

    I'm glad to see your better half taking to riding. May she find the same joy the rest of us do!

    It just reinforces what I've always claimed. Everything I need to know in life I've learned from motorcycling!


  5. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Not sure about that antenna thing, but I'd agree there is something driving the cages to feel there are no consequences to their actions.
