Friday, May 04, 2007


At some point I may do an entire blog post on this. For now, I want to give you something to ponder over the weekend. Maybe even beyond that, if this strikes a chord with you.

I've called myself a fearless Warrior. Which is, in fact, true. Many of you have seen examples or known of others you would consider fearless. Fearless is not the same as reckless. Reckless implies a disregard for consequences. It's usually driven by felony level stupidity. I, however, brave many things in the name of expressing my passion and accomplishing my own objectives. I seek both personal fulfillment and a deeper knowledge base from which to educate others. The farther a rider progresses in riding skills, the farther they realize they can still travel. I hope to be one who has seen the possibilities and leads other riders there. At whatever level a rider finds themself I would hope to be able to show them what path still lies ahead. Not only to show them the path, but to offer wisdom for the journey. Only by having gone there myself can I be an effective guide. All the while I am painfully aware of the possible consequences of my journey of discovery.

The simple truth is that in this process I experience my own share of fear. Having successfully stared down many dangerous situations in my life, I'm surprised to still feel this fear. Those looking from the outside in may have a very noble or awe inspiring picture of me. There's really nothing special about me or anybody else you might consider fearless. Here's the key. This is a line from a book.

Adrianna Huffington has a book out entitled "On Becoming Fearless, in Love, Work, and in Life". In this book she says:

"Fearlessness is not the absence of fear. It's the mastery of fear. It's about getting up one more time than we fall down."

That statement takes fearlessness from the realm of the Superhero and puts it in reach of our common humanity. Whether it be motorcycling, personal relationships, or reaching out for new accomplishments, the words above give us a simple guideline.

In case you might be thinking, "Wow, Irondad's so well read for a Road Warrior!" let me further pop my own bubble. I'm just as common and human as the next person, despite the fact that I'm a legend in my own mind. I did not read this book. I held it in my hand and thumbed through it at a book store. That's it.

What got me started was a quotation on a Starbucks cup. Say what you will, but I've learned all I need to know in life by riding motorcycles and reading Starbucks cups!!

Miles and smiles,



  1. And I thought that I was well heeled with social skills honed from years of watching The Three Stooges, and reading Mad Magazine.

    Seriously though, I've got a close friend that will tell you that fear is his biggest motivator. He finds some kind of rush in surviving or conquering what most would call scary situations. He always seems to be on "full alert".
    I guess every person rises differently when facing fear.

    Have fun,

  2. Anonymous5:43 PM

    "It's not the fear that kills you, but your incorrect response to it"

    Words from a sargeant in OCS. Well, he didn't put it in quite those words, and certainly rather more profane, but that was the message I got.

  3. Interesting post & thanks for visiting my blog...

  4. There's different types or kinds of fearlessness.

    The one where you know damn well you've gone into the corner more than
    just a little too fast, and you're in
    way over your head and just figure you'll suck it out come what may.

    The other form is a little different.
    This is the mental fearlessness whereby
    you know if you change your employment(as you recently did) there's a chance you'll blow it and be on the street.

    Personally the former is instant
    feedback, you don't make the corner and you go ass over teakettle.

    The other way is longer lasting yet
    still there will be a feeling
    of dammit you blew it!

    And we all know in your new position or so it seems from your writings, you didn't blow it.

  5. Bill,
    An adrenaline addict, huh? That can be a deadly affliction. When is enough "enough"?

    Exactly. Saw that in a jungle a few times.

    Professor Howdy,
    I find your blog to be entertaining and thought provoking. I have it bookmarked.

    Actually, my last job was a mistake. I had to leave. Three and a half years was too long. It's amazing, even though a person finds themselves in an undesirable spot, how reluctant we are to leave. It's like the comfort level at present counts more for the possibilities we could have.

    You're right. I am still having fun and happy about the decision.


  6. There are a lot of good and bad definitions of fearlessness and when I think of you Dan and the challenges you face I think of this part from the dictionary --- "...calmy resolute in facing dangers or perils..."

    You've provided example on more than one occassion for me on how to face challenges up ahead on the road and what I must practice to address them.

    Since I don't drink coffee I miss the Starbucks quotes. I miss a whole lot it seems these days.

    Steve Williams
    Scooter in the Sticks

  7. steve,
    Calm is empowering.
